New blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So have you heard about.... FEARLESS MARIA!!! Da dadadadadadooowaaaah! It's the best, it's the best blog ever! Yeah, so you better check it out, out out, bow bow bow bow pow bow!
When you're in Funkytown... so I talk about it talk about talk about it. Whoooo yeah!
Now, let's get on to the post. After all, I'm so good I still have this blog too! So you better listen up, yo!
Have you seen. . . oh, I bet you're wondering this name. Or maybe not. . . ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS!!! Well, I just did. It's great! And funny! And of course, I'm not going to tell you what happens, but hey - LOOK OUT LOOK OUT LOOK OUT, SOMEBODY'S GOING TO SPILL THE BEANS! ELVIS PRESLEY - QUICK - HE'S SELLING HEADPHONES! THEN YOU WON'T HEAR! OH, I'LL GET YOU SOMEDAY, OH YOU, OH YOU SILLY MOVIE SPOILER PERSON!
Okay, that's enough drama for one post. I also went to the Green Mill today with my brother and my grandma for lunch. Bet you're jealous! Neener neener! You didn't get to go! Dad had a peanut butter sandwich and ate it at his desk at Northern Tool. I know he's jealous!
Ben and I also used our gift cards at Barnes & Noble. All right, time for a little ending jokes!
How is a tree helpful in math? It has roots to help you figure out your square roots! Did you hear the one about the boy and girl who tried to kiss the fog? They mist!
What did the dentist give the marching band? A tuba toothpaste! Why did the stone go to the doctor? He had stonemonia!
That's all for today folks! Happy New Year! And you better have a happy one, yo! You better.