About me

About me is about Maria, who is a supercool eight year old girl. Maria knows a lot of things and wants to share her ideas with you.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Fun fun fall

It is starting to be like Fall, because the leaves at my house are getting brownish, yellowish and maybe a little orange. Are the leaves at your house turning these colors?

School is very very fun. So I'll tell you that my school is Valentine Hills. I have been making new friends. And I'm also in Girl Scouts. The level I'm at is Brownies; now you're thinking of the food, but it's not. It's just the name of the level. I have a lot of people in my group. A friend named Gretchen, a friend named Victoria, and some other people. There are two people from my class that are in my group. Goodbye!



At 9:36 AM , Blogger Mr. D said...

Ben says,

Keep blogging on, sister. Keep blogging on!


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